Organizing for Beautiful Living: Simple Organizing, Sustainable Organizing, Decluttering and Time Management Tips for Working Moms and Entrepreneurs
Let's simplify organizing, shall we? Join Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant, Zee Siman, along with her occasional co-host or guest, as she provides sustainable decluttering, home organizing and time management tips curated for you: working moms, mompreneurs and entrepreneurs.
Beautiful Living is all about creating joy-filled, organized homes and vibrant social connections, balanced with meaningful work for a fulfilling, sustainable life. Zee shows you how to do this as simply as possible because you don't have time to waste on solutions that won't work for you! Are you ready to get organized sustainably and have a home and work-life that's overflowing with confidence and joy? Well let's get started!
Organizing for Beautiful Living: Simple Organizing, Sustainable Organizing, Decluttering and Time Management Tips for Working Moms and Entrepreneurs
030. Simple Ways To Hide The Ugly Stuff In Your House
Are you finding that the small "ugly stuff" in your house - cords from your computer, mismatched coffee mugs in crazy colors - is making your house feel a little chaotic?
In this episode, I'm sharing some tricks to easily hide the ugly stuff in your house without much hassle.
Don't forget that our Fall Special is happening right now until the end of November! Buy any organizing package from us, and get a free Home Inventory! It's such a relief to get that inventory DONE!
So not only could you have your home guest-ready by Thanksgiving, but you'll also be all done with your home inventory already!
Go to https://fireflybridge.com/fallspecial for all the information.
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Connect with me:
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fireflybridgeorganizing
My Website: https://fireflybridge.com