Organizing for Beautiful Living: Simple Organizing, Sustainable Organizing, Decluttering and Time Management Tips for Working Moms and Entrepreneurs

030. Simple Ways To Hide The Ugly Stuff In Your House

Zeenat Siman Season 1 Episode 30

Are you finding that the small "ugly stuff" in your house - cords from your computer, mismatched coffee mugs in crazy colors - is making your house feel a little chaotic?

In this episode, I'm sharing some tricks to easily hide the ugly stuff in your house without much hassle.

Don't forget that our Fall Special is happening right now until the end of November! Buy any organizing package from us, and get a free Home Inventory! It's such a relief to get that inventory DONE!

So not only could you have your home guest-ready by Thanksgiving, but you'll also be all done with your home inventory already!

Go to for all the information.

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